Raptor Watch 2023 at Tanjung Tuan

Raptor Watch 2023 at Tanjung Tuan

More than 3,200 visitors from Malaysia as well as other countries participated in the 2023 Raptor Watch that took place on 11 and 12 March at Tanjung Tuan. According to a spokesperson from the Tourism Promotion Division (Bahagian Promosi Pelancongan/BPP), this year marks the 25 edition of the program and it had received quite a turnout from countries such as the United Kingdom, German and the United States.

Tanjung Tuan has been chosen for the program not only for its strategic geographical location which makes it possible for the participants to obtain a clearer and closer view of the myriad of migratory birds, but also to promote Tanjung Tuan as an eco-tourism destination. It is also noteworthy that Tanjung Tuan has been listed by BirdLife International, National Geographic Society and Hawk Mountain Sanctuary as an important raptor site in this part of the world.